Welcome to 2025!

Happy New Year!

If politicians and pundits are to be believed (a dubious proposition at best), 2025 is set to be a tumultuous year for taxes and tax planning. BUT, before we wade into the fray, let’s remember there is still a lot of great tax planning that can get done and that those who are willing to be proactive and intentional can deliver massive value to their clients.

To help you do just that we’ve included the 2025 update to the RTS Desktop Tax Guide. I’ve already got a laminated copy on my desk and will be giving them to the entire RTS tax team as we head into the filing season. Yes, a branded tax guide is a great lead magnet, but more importantly, it’s an incredible resource for anyone who is serious about taxes. Enjoy! 🙂


As we kick off the year, a friendly reminder that as a Financial Advisor, you can have a huge impact on your clients’ tax season experience. If you’re geared up to send out a 1099 letter, nice work! It’s January 3rd, so you don’t need to be 100% ready, but it might be a little late to start from scratch. If you aren’t doing 1099 letters yet next December is NOT the right time to get started, you need to start early and test the process with your team to make sure it works.

Hopefully, you’ve seen the headlines, but the topic has rapidly changed, so I wanted to include a note here as well. As of the writing of this email (although with how quickly things have changed, I can’t guarantee it’s still the same), the Corporate Transparency act is currently not being enforced as it works its way through the appeals process. That went back and forth a few times in December, so this is a topic to watch, and make sure you can answer questions for your clients. DO NOT assume that they have someone else in their life who is talking to them on this topic; it’s very possible they are sorting through the same headlines you are and wishing someone would simplify it for them.

Here’s to an incredible 2025 when it comes to tax planning and so many other (and more important) areas of life.

Happy Tax Planning!

P.S. Save the date for our first CE event of the year on February 12th; the registration link is coming soon.

About The Newsletter

The tax code is 80,000+ pages and Google has 875,000,000 results when you search “Tax Planning”, so each week we are going to help you wade through all of that noise and get to the Relevant Tax Stuff.
