Tax Return Review #2- Larry and Shirley


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Congratulations! You’ve Got Your Client’s Tax Return… Now What?

Background   Our team is continually reviewing tax returns for our Members. Believe it or not, we really enjoy it. We may be nerdier than most, but a tax return […]

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What’s Your IRA Really Worth?

Background: Tax-deferred Accounts Tax-deferred retirement accounts, like IRAs and traditional 401(k)s, are only one piece of the retirement plan puzzle. While there are other important pieces, these accounts tend to […]

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Advisor Tax Mistake #2-Not Getting Referrals from COIs

“I send tons of clients to my local CPA, but she never sends me a single client back!” As an advocate of advisors working closely with tax preparers, and as a tax preparer myself, I hear the complaint of unreciprocated referrals all the time from financial advisors.

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