Required Minimum Distributions January 2024

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Advisor Alert: IRS “Dirty Dozen” of Tax Fraud

Background: IRS Fraud Themes   Fraud is an unfortunate fact of life. Taxes are not an exception to the prevalence of identity theft today.   In fact, every year the […]

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Are You Ready For The January 18th, 2022 Tax Deadline?

No, the IRS is not trying to balance out the last 2 years where the deadline to file was extended into July (2019) and May (2020). In fact, every year […]

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Advisor Tax Mistake #3 – Skipping the Three Most Important (But Least Sexy) Tax Strategies

When it comes to financial advisors and tax strategies, they often sound like old fishermen telling the story of “the one that got away,” except the stories are about ultra-obscure tax strategies that they have never used. This tendency to tell stories about the tax strategies that got away is so prolific that anytime an advisor approaches me about a tax scenario, I immediately ask for the name of the client to ensure we are talking about real life versus tax fantasyland.

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