RTS TaxWise Retirement Guide- Submission Form- May 2024

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Turn CPAs Into Referral Sources

Jarvis suggested three steps advisors can take to more effectively cultivate CPAs as referral sources.

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Are You Planning for Your IRS “Mortgage”?

When is $500,000 not $500,000?   Conventional wisdom on preparing for retirement has often included refrains such as “become debt-free” and “defer, defer, defer”. There are situations where both of […]

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Advisor Tax Mistake #2-Not Getting Referrals from COIs

“I send tons of clients to my local CPA, but she never sends me a single client back!” As an advocate of advisors working closely with tax preparers, and as a tax preparer myself, I hear the complaint of unreciprocated referrals all the time from financial advisors.

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