Tax Planning Panel of Success – Michael Henley, Alison Brooks & Benjamin Brandt


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Crucial IRS Deadlines That Taxpayers Miss

Background “Tax Day” is one of those dates that everyone knows, right? April 15th, every year…or is it?   The tax deadline for individual filers is typically April 15th of […]

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Backdoor Roth Contributions – What Could Go Wrong?

For some taxpayers, so-called “backdoor” Roth contributions can be a great way to fill an investment bucket that will grow tax free. Tax free is everyone’s favorite kind of money but the […]

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Are You Planning for Your IRS “Mortgage”?

When is $500,000 not $500,000?   Conventional wisdom on preparing for retirement has often included refrains such as “become debt-free” and “defer, defer, defer”. There are situations where both of […]

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